Saturday, November 27, 2010


I think everyone who reads this post should vote. Wait not should, but MUST vote in the wonderful little box in the top right corner of the screen that ANYONE and I mean, Anyone, can fill out in a matter of less than a minute unless you are severely mentally disabled/and or just plain stupid/and or need to go back to kindergarten because you were busy stuffing SPITBALLS into other childrens' faces while the teacher was talking and completely missed the various (nevertheless usually unsuccessful) yet (creative?) ways they try to derive in order to teach you how to read (BLUCK -.-)/and or you have short term memory loss and have already forgotten everything I've said so far (which would be kinda sad I have to admit)/and or you really couldn't care less and should go shove your nasty @#$%#$!!^# faces into a pile of ~~~~ ~ ~~~ **** :) 

No offense :) *cough cough*

I'm joking peoplieos does it seem like i would eveeerrr say something so inconsiderate and cruel? Don't answer that.

I think this post wins the best award for most colorful post ever founded :D *sighhhh* what I do for you duddies and peeps...

But I am serious about voting. Go. Now. 


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