Thursday, October 28, 2010

It's a lazzyyyy daay

Today's a lazy day. You know those days when you know you really should do something, but just don't eel up to it because you don't eel like doing anything in general? GODDAMN THE F KEY ISN'T WORKING PROPERLY AGAIN. Yupp. It's that kinda day. But it's not JUST a lazy day. It's also a ~ I'M SO BORED I FEEL LIKE I'M GOING TO FUCKING JUMP OFF THE CNN TOWER IF PEOPLE DON'T GIVE ME SOMETHING TO DO RIGHT THIS INSTANT ~ kind of day.

Story of my life
These cats are pretty awesome.


 Ahhh. I have a humongous biology test tomorrow that I have not studied for at all. In fact, I don't even have any inkling of what it's on... Actually I may have an inkling, but I can guarantee to you that it's not very big. Ah screw everything. I need to now go and find out which chapter(s?) my test is on :'O

Yeah. Now that's what I call screwed.

I have recently gotten an obsession with tattoos.. I want one :)

Wouldn't the ladies think this is hot ;)


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